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This is from the Hängen (hanging), fencer learn this:
Two hangings
from one side from the ground
in all techniques
strikes thrusts cuts guards soft or hard
Do the Sprechfenster (speaking window)
stand happily and observe him
Strike that he falters
when he pulls off from you
I tell you truthfully
no one defends without danger
Have you understood this,
he may not come to strikes
Be it that you stay
at the sword so you can do
strikes thrusts and cuts,
learn the feeling
without all hesitation,
and you should not flee from the sword
because a masters fencing
is rightfully at the sword
those who bind you
will be forced with the Krieg
The noble winding
may also find him open
With strikes with thrusts
with cuts you find him defenceless
In all windings
you should learn to find strikes thrusts and cuts
the noble hanging
cannot be without the winding
because from the hanging
you should practice the winding.

Here learn and know that there are two hangings each side, one Unterhängen (lower hanging) and one Oberhängen (upper hanging) with which you can get at his sword well, because these come from the Oberhau and Unterhau (high strike and low strike). If it now happens that you bind with your opponent on purpose or without so you should well stay at the sword and use the winding. So you can stand happily with relaxed mind and without fear at the sword and see, notice and wait for what he tries to do next; and what his plan is he intends to execute. And the standing at the sword is called the Sprechfenser (speaking window) by Liechtenauer. If you now stand at the sword with him, you should notice and feel his technique, be it soft or hard. And according to this you should act, as it has been written before. Now if he pulls off from the sword before you could begin your technique, so you should follow with him and beat strike or thrust him whatever you can bring surest, before he can do anything himself before you. You can do this because by staying at the sword and extending yourself your (point) moves nearer to him. If someone pulls off because he has to recover from a strike he just executes, then follow in with the point. If he instead stays at the sword you have to gauge and notice whether he his soft or hard at the sword.
If he is soft and weak, you should quickly and bravely proceed and hurry at him with the strength of your sword and force his sword aside with pressure, seeking his openings, to the head or the body wherever you may get at.
If he is hard and strong at the sword and intends to force you aside strongly, you should be soft and weak against his strength, and yield to his strength and forward pressure, thus evading with your sword. And with this evading as his sword swings about, as it has been written before, and now as this happens and while he is recovering from that and thus cannot execute strikes or thrusts, you should attack his openings, with strikes thrusts or cuts, wherever you may hit him best. According to the teaching you should do this quickly bravely and fast so that your adversary cannot come to strikes. As Liechtenauer says: I tell you truthfully, no man defends without danger, if you have understood it, he will not come to strikes. (…) ”


This is about the Krumphau
Krump quickly
and throw the Ort on his hands.
The Krumphau with correct steps
defends against many strikes
Strike the Krump to the flat
of the skilled fencer, this will weaken him.
As soon as the swords hit high above,
strike to the man, this will be honored.
Never strike the Krump too short
otherwise your Opponent can change through.
Against a man who feints a lot,
use the Krump and confuse him in the Krieg
So he may not know
where he can be without danger.

Here learn and know that the Krumphau is an Oberhau which is done in a bent manner with a good step to one side.
This is why Liechtenauer says whoever wants to execute this strike, should step well to the right side while striking and shall throw or thrust the point over the hilt of the adversary onto his hands. And he should strike with the flat if he hits the blade and should stay strong against the sword and press forcefully. From there he may see what he can do best, in the most direct and surest manner, be it with strikes, thrusts or cuts. And he should not strike too short and should not forget the changing-through if it is appropriate.


Taken from the Nuremberg Hausbuch (MS 3227a), a German commonplace book thought to have been created some time between 1389 and 1494.