HEMA Protective Equipment Guide:
– Fencing Mask (350N or 1600N rated) >>> RD Fencing Mask 350N or RD Fencing Mask 1600N
– Back of the head protection >>> RD Leather Mask Overlay or RD Full Mask Overlay - THROAT PROTECTION (REQUIRED x1)
– Rigid throat protector >>> RD HEMA Throat Protector - TORSO PROTECTION (REQUIRED x1, RECOMMENDED x1)
Fencing Jacket (350N or 800N rated) >>> RD HEMA Sparring Jacket
Plastron (inside or outside type) >>> recommended for men, required for women - GROIN PROTECTION (REQUIRED x1)
– cup protector >>> RD HEMA Groin Protector - HAND PROTECTION (REQUIRED x3, RECOMMENDED x1)
– light gloves >>> Mechanix CR5 gloves
– medium gloves >>> RD HEMA Sparring Gloves
– fingertip protectors (recommended for RD Sparring Gloves) >>> SPES Fingertip protectors
– heavy gloves >>> Sparring Gloves Mittens or RD HEMA Dreadnought Gloves - ARM PROTECTION (REQUIRED x2)
– forearm protectors >>> SPES Light Forearm Protectors Set
– elbow protectors >>> SPES “Shell” Elbow Protectors - LEG PROTECTION (REQUIRED x2)
– knee protectors >>> SPES “Shell” Knee Protectors or RD HEMA Knee Guards
– shin protectors >>> RD HEMA Shin Guards
– knee and shin protectors >>> RD HEMA Knee and Shin Protectors